Here are some small projects I have been working in my free time.


CLI application that renders a map of Strava activities. It uses openstreetmap to figure out where to center the map from a user-supplied location.


Advent of Code

Solving the advent of code puzzles is a december tradition that is very dear to me.

Technologiespython, golang, clojure


A calendar application that can import .ical files and sync with Google Calendar. I needed something that did exactly what I want but I couldn't find it so I wrote it myself.

Technologiespython, gtk+
I wrote this application in Python because it is a language I really enjoy and because there were libraries available that supported .ical and Google Calendar. The Google Calendar library forced me to use python 2 though.


A mobile webapp and corresponding native Android app that allows me to control the lamps in my apartment.

Technologiesphp, javascript, java
I had a TellStick attached to the Raspberry Pi in my apartment as well as receivers on most lamps in my apartment. The webapp makes it possible to control them using an Android phone, and I chose to wrap it in a native Android app to get a pretty icon.


A native PHP Stomp client.

At work we needed to use the PHP Stomp extension but because we were running RHEL we couldn't install it so I wrote my own implementation.


A better version of

Technologiesphp, javascript, mysql
I've been using for a long time for Neil Young chords. They don't have any means of searching the tabs though so I built this website that scrapes hyperrust, makes all the chords, lyrics and titles searchable in a auto-suggest kind of way and allows you to transpose the chords in real time.


A Tower Defense game.

I've always been a fan of Tower Defense games so I started writing one in JavaScript, but I never got around to finish it. It's playable with one neverending level though.


My first JavaScript game

Technologiesjavascript, php, mysql, bash
This is my first attempt at writing a JavaScript game. Apart from the actual game I also built a small level editor and some scripts for deploying new levels. I really should try to finish this one, because it would be fun if I added some better looking sprites and more levels.